Making Music At Liberty Elementary
Ms. Johnson uses the Kodaly method. Zolton Kodaly was a Hungarian who felt that if the children could sing the songs, they could transfer the songs to sight-reading and playing on instruments. This prepares children for choir as well as playing instruments. The children learn many folk songs and learn sight-reading music at an early age and are successful at it. They play many music games that are fun and keep them actively engaged.
The Liberty Elementary All Star Choir is known for having an excellent choir that is 100% pitch matching. The choir sings in 2-3 part harmony which includes classical music, folk songs, foreign language, as well as popular music. They perform throughout the community many times during the school year.
Each year various grade levels perform musicals with acting, singing, dancing, costumes, sets. The children learn various musical concepts when preparing for musicals as well as what it takes to work as a team during practice to put on a great show.
“Music, in performance, is a type of sculpture. The air in the performance is sculpted into something.”
~ Frank Zappa ~