District Newsletter

1/30/2025 Issue #54

From the Desk of Dr. Mark Gallagher, Superintendent

In this issue

For the past several years, we have conducted a parent survey throughout the District and invited all of our parents to provide feedback on the schools their children attend. We have just recently received the results of the 2011 Parent Survey, and we are pleased to report significant and positive growth for our schools and the District as a whole compared to 2010.

This survey is extremely important to us because it provides us the opportunity to hear directly from our students’ parents. We often have the opportunity to gather anecdotal or qualitative information from our parents and community members, yet to receive the results we did through a quantifiable survey is very helpful. It tells us we are headed in the right direction.
I would like to share some of the highlights of the survey results with you:

“Overall Quality of Education”
The results indicate that 93% of the respondents rate the overall quality of their child’s education in Lake Park as Superior, Excellent, or Good.  In 2010, this rating was 88%.

“School Staff Sets High Expectations for My Child”
88% of respondents Strongly Agreed or Agreed with this statement.  This is up 10 points from 2010.

“I Go Online to Check Grades & Assignments”
68% of respondents Strongly Agreed or Agreed with this statement.  This is up 18 points from 2010.
“I use the School/District Website for Information & News”
82% of respondents Strongly Agreed or Agreed with this statement. 
This is up 13 points from 2010.

We are extremely pleased with the significant improvements noted in these four areas – quality education, expectations, technology and communication. In fact, we are very pleased with the overall results because we saw improvement in all areas. The one area where we saw a decline was related to discipline. The score was 65%, a decline of 9 points from 2010. Although we would prefer to have seen an increase in satisfaction on this point, the feedback is very helpful. We will dig deeper into the results to determine how to progress in this area.
The results of the survey are used by each school principal in their overall improvement plans and can be analyzed at each grade level for principals and teachers to work together and collaborate on areas of strength and areas where growth or better understanding is needed.
The results of our parent survey are extremely valuable as we work together as a community to improve in certain areas, as well as celebrate our achievements. We hope that as we post the parent survey on the District website in 2012 and invite you through EAlert, newsletters and flyers, that you will take a few minutes to complete the survey. Your feedback is very important to us!

Feature Article
Free College Credit
Podcast of the Week
Feedback from visitors

ACT & PLAN Tests 
On April 27, all Independence High School Juniors will sit for the ACT Test. The ACT assesses high school students’ general educational development and their ability to complete college-level work. Additionally, all IHS Sophomores will sit for the PLAN Test. The PLAN program helps 10th graders build a solid foundation for future academic and career success. It is a comprehensive guidance resource that helps students measure their current academic development, explore career/training options, and make plans for the remaining years of high school and post-graduation years. As a “pre-ACT” test, PLAN is a powerful predictor of success on the ACT. Both the ACT and PLAN are free to HUSD Juniors and Sophomores on April 27.

Featured Article

Be the Change…Make a Stand…Against Bullying

Bullying is abusive behavior by one or more students over time against a victim. It can be a direct attack – teasing, taunting, threatening, stalking, name-calling, hitting, making threats, coercion, and stealing – or more subtle through malicious gossiping, spreading rumors, and intentional exclusion. Both can result in victims becoming socially rejected and isolated.

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Student Finalist

Independence HS Senior

Named 2011 National Merit Scholarship Finalist
Congratulations to IHS Senior Craig Clevine, a 2011 National Merit Scholarship Finalist. Craig currently has a 3.89 unweighted grade point average and plans on attending the Penn State University Honors College next fall. He is interested in studying Psychology, Political Science, and/or Communications. Penn State has offered Craig $15,000 per year in scholarships and an iPAD. Craig describes his experience at IHS as “formative,” as the relationships with his teachers and other students, as well as the education he’s received, have significantly impacted the person he has become. Congratulations and good luck, Craig!
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Preparing your child

Preparing Your Child for
A Great Start to Kindergarten

Some of you will be preparing your children this summer to start Kindergarten in the fall.  The most important activity you can engage your child in to prepare for school is READING!  Here are some tips to use at home:
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Lake Park Education Foundation

During the month of March, Lake Park Education Foundation kicked-off its sponsorship drive for the 6th Annual LP Golf Tournament held annually at Las Colinas Golf Course in Harrisburg. Several district business partners have stepped-up as major sponsors for this year’s event.

Businesses or individuals interested in sponsoring this event can contact Mark Swift, LPEF President at mdswift@LPEF.com. 
Business Partners:
•    Harrisburg Ford
•    NTD Architecture
•    Sun Eagle Corporation
•    3RP Co.


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